

New zealand

Famous for Brewery, Farm, Historic Building

Things To Do and Places To Visit In Kaikoura (2020)

Kaikoura Tourist attraction  

Anzac Memorial MEMORIAL

Located at Kaikoura.

0.299 KM from City.

Dolphin Encounter Kaikoura SIGHT

Located at Kaikoura.

0.755 KM from City.

Emporium Brewing BREWERY

Located at Kaikoura.

0.916 KM from City.

Fire Siren TOWER

Located at Kaikoura.

0.246 KM from City.

Fish Kaikoura SIGHT

Located at Kaikoura.

2.62 KM from City.


Located at Kaikoura.

2.626 KM from City.

Fyffe House MUSEUMS

Located at Kaikoura.

2.626 KM from City.

Kaikoura District Library LIBRARY

Located at Kaikoura.

0.085 KM from City.

Kaikoura Fishing Tours SIGHT

Located at Kaikoura.

1.464 KM from City.

Kaikoura Marine Centre & Aquarium MUSEUMS

Located at Kaikoura.

2.102 KM from City.

Kaikoura Museum MUSEUM

Located at Kaikoura.

0.089 KM from City.


Located at Kaikoura.

3.706 KM from City.

Maori Leap Caves CAVE

Located at Kaikoura.

2.132 KM from City.

Point Kean Seal Colony WILDLIFE RESERVE

Located at Kaikoura.

3.671 KM from City.

Point Sheep Shearing Show FARM

Located at Kaikoura.

3.024 KM from City.

Seal Swim Kaikoura PARK

Located at Kaikoura.

0.143 KM from City.

South Bay Fishing Charters SIGHT

Located at Kaikoura.

2.24 KM from City.

St Peters Kaikoura SIGHT

Located at Kaikoura.

0.758 KM from City.

Takahanga Domain PARK

Located at Kaikoura.

0.422 KM from City.

Takahanga Marae CITY HALL

Located at Kaikoura.

0.431 KM from City.

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